Crochet Mood Scarf 2016 – November

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Crochet Mood Scarf 2016 – November

Crochet Mood Scarf 2016- November

November was all over the place. I mean, for the most part it was a happy month, with some extra happy days towards the end of the month. But…the cluster of days at the beginning of the month spanning “stressed, sad, meh, meh” (purple, blue, gray, gray), those days can be explained in one word. Election. At the risk of alienating a portion of my readers, I’ll get political for 2 seconds. Bernie Sanders got robbed. If the primaries were played fairly, without all the inside favoring, Bernie would have won. The DNC wanted “her” so badly they were willing to cut off their own arm and jeopardize our and our children’s future. I feel like we are living in a parallel universe, and I want to be in the one where we are hearing news about investments being made in renewable energies, infrastructure, education…you know, the future. Not one to get political on the blog, but…it affected me, it affected us all in some way. Ok, back to crocheting. I hear it’s therapeutic.

If you’d like to learn more about the planning of a mood scarf, please visit the mood scarf “mother post” here: Mood Scarf 2016 – January

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